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TMW Maxwell Housing Loan Information

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First Loan Second Loan Third Loan
Loan Tenure Up to 30 years 31-35 years Up to 30 years 31-35 years Up to 30 years 31-35 years
Age Age used to calculate loan tenure, will be based on income-weighted
Up to 65 Up to 70-75 Up to 70-75 Up to 65 Up to 70-75 Up to 70-75 Up to 65 Up to 70-75 Up to 70-75
Maximum LTV Limit 75% 55% 55% 45% 25% 25% 35% 15% 15%
20% (non-individuals)
Minimum Cash Downpayment 5% 10% 10% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Gaurantors / Co-borrowers All Co-borrowers must be mortgagors.
Guarantors must be co-borrowers if the latter did not pass the TDSR criteria
Mortgage Servicing Ratio N/A
Total Debt Servicing Ratio 55%
Stress Test Interest Rate 3.5%


            TMW Maxwell | TMW Maxwell Price | TMW Maxwell Showflat

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